Friday, April 10, 2009

Project Week

Hey All!

As I said in my last post, I'm headed out to the great barrier reef in two days, so I wont be updating for a little while.
It's been an amazing week so far! Sunday, I went to the palm sunday service at St. James- what a beautiful service.
Monday I pretty much hung out at home and dabbled on some homework. Later in the evening I went out with the Anderson girls to the Sydney music conservatory to watch a beautiful quartet symphony. We kind of just walked around the city after and got some munchies.
Tuesday a bunch of us from the group went to F-Dale, or more commonly, Featherdale, which is an wild life resort. There were wallabies and roos hopping all around! We were able to pet and feed them- they're so cute, especially the babies! I could have gotten my picture taken with a koala, but I felt bad :( You can just tell that they're in such an unatural habit. People just pet them like cats or dogs- they're not the same at all! It was like koala slave labor. There was a line of people and a guard who was standing near by and switched the koala every 10 or 15 minutes. It just seemed wrong :( But they're cared for very well there, and there are tons of them. Anywoo- I saw lots of cool birds, tasmanian devils, wombats, quolls, and other crazy animals.
I didn't take many pictures of the animals...let me explain. It's like, why would I take a picture of an animal behind a cage? Its not like something I am proud of...I didnt see it in the wild- everyone who paid $20 sees the same thing. People were taking pictures as if they were some wild life guru and im thinking "why are you taking a hundred pictures of captivated animals. not cool. idk it just annoys me. So yeh. After F-dale Caitlin, Jess, and I headed to art museum which we stayed at for 20minutes and then headed back home for the night.
Wednesday I went to IMAX and saw the 3-D "under the sea" movie. It was so cool! Sydney is home to the worlds largest IMAX theatre. After we got delicious gelato and aimlessly wandered around darling harbour.
Thursay I spent all morning watching TV. lame. but not really. Some aussies came over and brought "Summer Heights High" (an australian series) and we watched the entire season. Its a ridculously crude but funny show. It definitely wouldn't have flied in the U.S. NO way. hahaha- Jonah. Youtube it. I walked to Coles for some tim tams and candy and then I went to the Maundy Thursday service at St. James which was a beautiful as usual.
Today I spent the day cleaning, doing laundry, and homework. woot. it needed to be done and I'm on my way to being done with a couple of annoying assignments. yeha!

Well I will update you all after my trip to the reef! Leave comments if you're enjoying my blog! Miss you all.

I haven't done this is a while...
Australian terms of the week

Good on ya- good for you
bloke- guy
hire- rent
shark biscuit- new surfer

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