Friday, February 20, 2009

The First Few Days...

Helloooo my American friends! (and Peruvian friend)

I’ve arrived safely, and it’s been a great experience so far. Sydney is gorgeous! Too bad it’s not in the states. I’ve had a full 3 days of orientation, which included information sessions packed with advice and program expectations, tours of the city and school, and lessons on public transportation (which I’m still figuring out!). So far, most of my learning has been through my mistakes. So contrary to popular belief, failing is not necessarily a bad thing. J You remember how to do things the right way after getting off at a stop 5 blocks early, not reapplying sunscreen every thirty minutes in the only place in the world that has a hole in the ozone layer (producing rays 7x stronger than in the states), and punching a shark*.

Anyway- not too many great stories yet, but I’m sure there will be some to come. Here is a little more detail of what I did yesterday…

We woke up early to catch the bus to school. Our host Dad, John actually came with us on the bus route to explain how the system worked, and to make sure we were able to get to Wesley alright. It is not too complicated, so I should catch on quickly. There’s a target and little shopping area just a short bus ride away from our house, which is really convenient.

When we got to school in the morning, we had a time of worship, and then orientation sessions until lunch time. We walked down to the bay for lunch- it’s such a short walk from the school! After lunch, we went into “the city” (Sydney) and did a 2 hour scavenger hunt in groups. We met back at the walk for a cruise of the harbor. After the tour, we went to a Mongolian BBQ all you can eat restaurant. You go through a line, pick up all the raw food you want, and the chef cooks it up for you in about a minute- very tasty.

Sydney is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. It is by far the nicest city I’ve been to, which is exciting, since I will be here for four months. Its pristine and very laid back. The people aren’t in a hurry, they just enjoy they’re walk instead of pushing past you. Anyway, I’m excited to explore the city more when we have free time.

Our host family is wonderful, and their kids are very sweet. I generally like the group of students, and can tell that I’m going to be good friends with many of them. Also, we’ve been hanging out with a bunch of aussie students, and they are incredibly friendly—I really like them. I haven’t taken many pictures yet- I figure we’ll be here for a while. Well, that’s all for now… It’s been fun so far. Don’t worry everyone- I haven’t met my husband yet ;)



*J/king obviously

New terms of the day


Servo=gas station

Poppers= juice box

Power point= electrical outlet/plug

Swimmers= swimsuit

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