Friday, February 27, 2009

My First Full Week.

Hello Friends and Family!

So I’ve decided to commit to updating my blog once a week. So check back every weekend for new info. K? Are you all sureee you don’t want to come over for a visit!? ;)

I had a fantastic and FULL first week. Last Saturday we didn’t end up do anything all morning, which was nice because we’ve been so busy lately. But in the evening, after a rushed dinner, the three roommates, Ty, Jason, and I went into Sydney’s Olympic Park for a Latin music festival. There were many extremely talented musicians from Brazil and others from around the area. While the majority of people watched from a distance on the surrounding lawn, there was a large dance pad in front of the stage, where we stood and danced. We even got little salsa lessons from a friendly Australian Lady. It was definitely a worthwhile and fun experience. Tomorrow, The Eagles are putting on a FREE show, so we will definitely be going back.

Sunday, we walked to Holy Trinity Anglican church, about 30 minutes away. The people were extremely friendly and very interested in getting to know us. It will definitely be a place where I will go back to. We went for lunch at a little café just a short walk from the church. The staff was extremely friendly and the food was great. Later on, we headed into the city for Sony Tropfest, the world’s largest short-film festival. We arrived fashionably late; little did we know that there wouldn’t be one seat open! There must have been tens of thousands of people crammed on the lawns surrounding the movie screens.

Monday began the first day of classes. I know I am really going to enjoy my theology and ethics class. We’re talking about stuff that is relevant and challenging. Stuff I actually care about. I think they’ll also be good for next semester in drawing 3 or painting. I’ve been kind of putting together concepts for art pieces later down the road. But the art classes here, are not great. The quality of craft and amount of work is nothing compared to Messiah’s program. I was warned about this going in, but I guess I didn’t really care. After my first weeks experience, I’ll probably switch out of one of the art courses.

Anyway, enough about school. Monday was also the start of service projects. I went to a nursing/assisted living home after school for my service learning. We have to complete 35hrs. before the end of the semester. So it’s been fun. The old people enjoy having me, especially since I’m from the states. I played bingo, watched a Clint Eastwood western, and talked with the folks. Laurel Gardens is a much nicer facility. They don’t even have AC in most of the building. Speaking of which, almost nowhere here has AC! Lol. Dad would not be able to survive. But all in all, it hasn’t been to crazily hot because there is always a breeze flowing. Dad- I’m sure if you come here for vacation, you would have AC in the hotel. :) Anyway, I’ll be going every Monday and Tuesday to St. Mary’s Villa until I complete my hours.

Yesterday I hit Manly Beach with Amy after class. It actually turned out to be a lovely day, and the ferry ride was refreshing. Even though Australia some prime beaches, I would have to say New Jersey beaches are better! And even Rhode Island’s too. So all of you back home, don’t be too jealous. :)

Today we went into the city to explore “The Rocks” which is a famous area where a colony formed in the 1700’s. It’s called the Rocks because the town was literally built on or within huge sandstone rock. It’s an absolutely beautiful area, and there is so much to do and explore. I’m thinking about going there tomorrow morning.
Anyway, I’m not sure exactly what I’ll be doing tomorrow. I’ll probably go into the city and explore and then hit Bondi beach when some other ladies get of their service projects, but I’m not really sure. I actually have a lot of work to get done. But who cares, Im in Oz. So we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Well, I hope you all are enjoying my blog! Let me know how things are going in your lives.

Peace and Love.

*Terms of the day*

Lift= elevator
Holiday= vacation “I went on holiday to china”
F-Pass = Debit Card/Check Card
Footpath= sidewalk
“how ya going” = “whats up?” Or “how are you?”
***sweet as!= cool, awesome...
If you come over here, never EVER say, bloody, root, or fanny. There not good words. Lol.

*** Definitely my favorite phrase thus far.

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