Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday moring thoughts...

So some of you may be wondering what the food is like here in Australia... and it’s great! About 40% of Australia’s population is recent immigrants so there are heaps of different types of restaurants all around. And since there is a very large Asian population here, there are plenty Mongolian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean places to eat.
Australians have morning tea, which falls between breakfast and lunch, and afternoon tea, which falls between lunch and dinner. While we can drink tea, mostly it is a time for snacking on crackers, fruit, cheese, etc. I thoroughly enjoy these meals because it’s a form of healthy snacking that holds you off until the next meal and keeps your metabolism going.
Most of the food I’ve eaten is similar to what I would eat in America. The two dinners that I’ve eaten so far have been pasta with meat sauce and Asian stir-fry. My host mom, Lisa, is an excellent cook and our family strongly believes in eating together every night. So it’s a nice time to bond with the family and catch up with each others’ days.
I’ve been having a pretty lazy morning so far so it’s nice to have a break from the jam packed activities. I went for a run around the area. It’s a short run to a park and the waterfront. I got a little lost, but eventually found my way back. Either way the area is absolutely gorgeous, comfortable, and safe. I’m not sure what’s in store for the rest of the day. I think my housemates and I are going to go into the city and explore a little, but who knows. We were planning to go to Bondi Beach, a world renowned beach, but it looks like it might rain. Keep me posted on what’s happening back in the states and in your lives. Miss you all!


*Terms of the Day*
Canteen= Cafeteria
Heaps= Lots
Mueli-Bar= Granola Bar

PS. the pic below is a PAN-O-RAM of my room.

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