Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some more lingo....

Footy= Aussie Rules Football
A fair go= a chance
Truckie= a truck driver
Arvo= afternoon "want some arvo tea?"
Shrappie=change (coins)
Chook= chicken
Billabong=pond/water hole
Larrikin= a prankster
Maccas= McDonalds
Paddock= field where livestock graze

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Great Barrier Reef

I want to apologize *cough aunt Dede and Uncle Mac* for not writing for nearly two months! So now…where to start?

Let’s begin with the Great Barrier Reef…

So we flew up to Townsville, Queensland and hoped on a ferry to get to magnetic island. I stayed in a town house right on the water with 6 other people- it was a lot of fun. Most days we hit the beach or walked around the island. It was tropical a very tropical climate. It was hot and humid; I felt sticky all of the time. We cooked our own meals- it was like we were real adults.

I bought a fishing pole in the hopes of catching a barramundi. When I went to the tackle store and asked the two ladies at the front how I would go about catching one, they looked at each other and laughed. Apparently the barramundi is the hardest fish to catch. They suggested renting a chartered boat, yet even still it would be unlikely that I would catch one. Oh joy. So I went out on the rocks and fished…I didn’t catch a thing. I had no idea what I was doing. Hopefully the next person to rent out the townhouse will have a better go.

We found these HUGE boulders to climb over to get to this secret beach. It took about an hour to climb them. That was definitely the highlight of the trip. It was beautiful, hot, and breezy; my kind of weather. So some of my friends were talking to some locals and told them where we went swimming. The locals said “wait, where did you go swimming?” My friends replied “that beautiful secret beach where nobody goes to and has no public access and the only way to get there is an hour climb over boulders or down a steep hill filled with prickers and poisonous foliage”. You would have thought the description alone would have given us a clue. They gasped “Oh my gosh. That beach is invested with man-o-wars and Box jellies” Duh. It all made sense. We went back anyway.

There were little kids that put out crab traps every morning. As I was walking by one morning, My friend Dave and I noticed all of this motion near the traps. It looked like a big fish near the traps. But we soon realized that they caught something unordinary. We lifted up the trap, and it was a HUGE sting ray. He must have been really hungry because he we completely smashed up against the walls. I have no idea how he even fit! Fortunately Dave found the kiddos and they successfully released him back without getting hurt.

Magnetic Island is beautiful place. There were so many types of cockatoos and lorikeets and it has the largest reserve of Koalas in the world! Unfortunatley I didn’t see any because we didn’t go on any bush walks. But we did see rock wallabies! They lived in these rocks right next to our house! They would just pop out and stare at you. I also saw a baby shark as I was taking a walk along the beach one morning. The current was strong, and something started splashing to get out of the waves and back out to the deep. I couldn’t tell what it was. I thought it was a big fish but then I saw its tale- maybe I’m crazy, but I’m 99% sure it was a small 3 foot shark. Random fact: Did you there are over 800 different types of Eucalypt trees in Australia? You can smell them everywhere.

OH! And I almost forgot about the Reef trip. It was a four hour boat ride out and another four back in crammed boat and it was pouring rain. Let’s just say it wasn’t a pleasant experience. On top of that I was soooooo seasick. I couldn’t even eat lunch. Even when I was snorkeling, I was feeling woozy. The sun didn’t come out until 45 minutes before leaving, so the reef wasn’t as bright and clear as it usually is. Nevertheless, it was absolutely beautiful. There were so many gorgeous fish and coral. There were lots of parrot fish, wrasses, and clownfish. I even saw a sea turtle- she was so slow and graceful; not a care in the world. Some people in the group saw a (small) shark! It’s safe to say- we all made it back safe and sound.

Overall it was a great trip. It was nice to see another part of Australia and another part of God’s glorious creation.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Project Week

Hey All!

As I said in my last post, I'm headed out to the great barrier reef in two days, so I wont be updating for a little while.
It's been an amazing week so far! Sunday, I went to the palm sunday service at St. James- what a beautiful service.
Monday I pretty much hung out at home and dabbled on some homework. Later in the evening I went out with the Anderson girls to the Sydney music conservatory to watch a beautiful quartet symphony. We kind of just walked around the city after and got some munchies.
Tuesday a bunch of us from the group went to F-Dale, or more commonly, Featherdale, which is an wild life resort. There were wallabies and roos hopping all around! We were able to pet and feed them- they're so cute, especially the babies! I could have gotten my picture taken with a koala, but I felt bad :( You can just tell that they're in such an unatural habit. People just pet them like cats or dogs- they're not the same at all! It was like koala slave labor. There was a line of people and a guard who was standing near by and switched the koala every 10 or 15 minutes. It just seemed wrong :( But they're cared for very well there, and there are tons of them. Anywoo- I saw lots of cool birds, tasmanian devils, wombats, quolls, and other crazy animals.
I didn't take many pictures of the animals...let me explain. It's like, why would I take a picture of an animal behind a cage? Its not like something I am proud of...I didnt see it in the wild- everyone who paid $20 sees the same thing. People were taking pictures as if they were some wild life guru and im thinking "why are you taking a hundred pictures of captivated animals. not cool. idk it just annoys me. So yeh. After F-dale Caitlin, Jess, and I headed to art museum which we stayed at for 20minutes and then headed back home for the night.
Wednesday I went to IMAX and saw the 3-D "under the sea" movie. It was so cool! Sydney is home to the worlds largest IMAX theatre. After we got delicious gelato and aimlessly wandered around darling harbour.
Thursay I spent all morning watching TV. lame. but not really. Some aussies came over and brought "Summer Heights High" (an australian series) and we watched the entire season. Its a ridculously crude but funny show. It definitely wouldn't have flied in the U.S. NO way. hahaha- Jonah. Youtube it. I walked to Coles for some tim tams and candy and then I went to the Maundy Thursday service at St. James which was a beautiful as usual.
Today I spent the day cleaning, doing laundry, and homework. woot. it needed to be done and I'm on my way to being done with a couple of annoying assignments. yeha!

Well I will update you all after my trip to the reef! Leave comments if you're enjoying my blog! Miss you all.

I haven't done this is a while...
Australian terms of the week

Good on ya- good for you
bloke- guy
hire- rent
shark biscuit- new surfer

Monday, April 6, 2009

The Back of Your Ankle Looks Ridiculous...

Just a little commentary of Jess's experience with lenny the leech


Hello Beautiful People!

I'm just wrapping up my seventh week in the land down unda! Australia just had daylight savings time yesterday and it's getting cooler and rainier here as move into the fall months (A chilly 66 this morning). Well, today is the first day of my two weeks break! This week I'm going to catch up on some homework, write a couple of papers, and explore sydney. On Sunday the 12th, I'm headed out to Magnetic Island with 5 other girls and Dave! Magnetic Island is right off the coast of Oz, next to townsville and it's in the middle of the Great Barrier Reef area. We're going to be staying in a house right on the beach! We're taking a day trip out to the reef to go snorkeling, hopefully do a little fishing, and of course, explore. It's going to be such a fun trip.
Well, Saturday morning I went to the Katoomba, where the Blue Mountains are, with Sarah, Jess, and Ty. It takes about two hours by train to get there. Jess and I sat across from perfume lady....She was on the train no more than 45min and sprintzed 28 sprays of nasty smelling-old baby powder perfume on her wrist (trust me, we were counting). After she got off the train she started spraying the perfume in the air. People are strange... Any how, When we initially got to the train station we waiting an hour. Within five minutes of the train coming, my three comrads decided to go get tickets. We missed the train. So we waited another hour. When we got to Katoomba we made our way past the quaint little town, down to echo point to check out the three sisters- three large rocks. But it was so misty we couldn't see a darn thing. We made our way down to the "giant stairway". This stairway was amazing- by far the coolest thing I've seen on the trip yet. We climbed down thousands of ridiculously steep steps that were built on cliffs in order to get down to the main hiking trails. It takes about an hour to get down and an hour to climb back up. No picture could truly capture how beautiful this area is. We bushwalked for a while, encountered a bunch of bloodsucking leeches, and fell...a lot (at least I did). The forest was like a tropical rainforest. Everything was wet with mist and the air was heavy; it was beautiful. I saw a couple of really cool birds- some blue and red ones and some type of beautiful wild pheasant. We were planning on camping overnight, but Jessie Cakes wasn't feeling well so we trekked back up the cliff before dark and headed home. We were pooped at the end and I'm still sore, but it was fabulous! I am definitely going back before my time in Oz is over!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Helllllllooo EVERYONE!

YES. I know. It’s been a while!

So it’s time to update you on this past week in the Land down Unda.

Well, School has started to pick up. I’m starting to have projects and papers due which is always fun. The nursing home is pretty fun too. Most of the residents know me now and I am enjoying taking walks and going to exercise class with them.

So I’m having a hard time remembering all of the things that happened this week, so I’ll start with the most recent.

Friday and yesterday, our whole group went to Canberra (pronounced CAN-BRA), the capital. Our phrase of the weekend was “Canberra: it’s what you make it!” Most Australians will tell you that Canberra sucks. When I explained that I was going there for the week-end, I got responses like “God bless ya” and “I’m sorry to hear that”. Lol.

Let me give you a brief background on the city. Back in the day, Sydney and Melbourne were fighting over which city should become the capitol. So the government chose neither, and created a capital that was situated in between the two. Canberra is an extremely quiet city- it’s culture is nothing compared to Sydney’s, but all the same, it’s a great place contrary to what most Australians will tell you.

There is so much to do there and I learned so much from every place we visited. In the two days we were there, we went to the Old Parliament house, National Portrait Gallery, The Indonesian Embassy, the British High Commission, The Aboriginal embassy tent, The ANZAC war memorial, National Museum, and National Gallery of Australia.

It was such a great trip! I saw a bunch of kangaroos and even an emu on the 4hr bus ride there and back! Kangaroos are much more graceful than I imagined. The birds here are amazing too. I’ll look out the window of my room, and there’ll be a cockatoo sitting on the electric wire. Its so cool. I see lorikeets and other colorful birds on a daily basis. Australia truly is a beautiful country.

Well, I know this post is short, but I must get back to homework… hopefully I’ll be able to update you more this week!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The differences....

So if you say, I'm eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, this is what goes through an Australian's head...You must say peanut butter and JAM sandwich and even so, Australians will cringe. PB&J is not eaten here.

When I say Powerpoint, what do you think??

In the Land of Oz, Power point does reference Microsoft's Program, but more familiarly, it refers to an electrical outlet.

You see the switches above the outlets? They stop the flow of electricity. So instead of unplugging your appliances before you go on holiday, you just switch the power point off. How cool is that!? Come on USA, get on that.

Here in Australia, a biscuit is a cookie. Here are some of the best biscuits.

Tim Tams & Squiggles

Here are just a few of their fun abbreviated words!

brekky= breakfast
sunnies= sunglasses
cozzie/swimmers= bathing suit
Mozzie= Mosquito
Vejjo= vegiterian
Truckie= truck driver
Chewie= gum

More to come. Hope you enjoyed. :)

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pics from the weekend

eatin lunch


Doing a little hiking (very little)

Sun is coming up

Just Waking Up :)

Fun weekend!

Hello friends and family!
To be honest, there were a couple of days this week that were pretty difficult, but aside from that, I had a great week!
My week was actually pretty typical. I just went to class, came home for dinner, and went to bed. I ended up going to a couple extra classes because I needed to swap my schedule around. Other than the anxiety caused by classes, nothing too exciting happened this week.

This weekend was just what I needed! Me, Michelle, Sarah, Jess, Audrey, Ty, and Ben went to Palm Beach Friday night, about an hour bus ride from the city. We slept out on the beach, which was pretty sweet. In the morning, the guys and Michelle went hiking and the rest of us had a beach day. The water was A-Mazing. But the rips were pretty strong, so we couldn’t go out far. The Beach was b-e-a-utiful and there were barely any people there. I guess the pictures speak for themselves. On the way home we were stuck with a bunch of completely wasted teenagers going into the city for Mardi Gras. It was interesting to say the least. Overall this weekend has been an absolute blast.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Weekend Photos

A beautiful view from observatory park- an new city favourite- using the PAN-o-Ram

Me in front of the fountain at Hyde Park before Mass at St. Marys

Friday, February 27, 2009

My First Full Week.

Hello Friends and Family!

So I’ve decided to commit to updating my blog once a week. So check back every weekend for new info. K? Are you all sureee you don’t want to come over for a visit!? ;)

I had a fantastic and FULL first week. Last Saturday we didn’t end up do anything all morning, which was nice because we’ve been so busy lately. But in the evening, after a rushed dinner, the three roommates, Ty, Jason, and I went into Sydney’s Olympic Park for a Latin music festival. There were many extremely talented musicians from Brazil and others from around the area. While the majority of people watched from a distance on the surrounding lawn, there was a large dance pad in front of the stage, where we stood and danced. We even got little salsa lessons from a friendly Australian Lady. It was definitely a worthwhile and fun experience. Tomorrow, The Eagles are putting on a FREE show, so we will definitely be going back.

Sunday, we walked to Holy Trinity Anglican church, about 30 minutes away. The people were extremely friendly and very interested in getting to know us. It will definitely be a place where I will go back to. We went for lunch at a little cafĂ© just a short walk from the church. The staff was extremely friendly and the food was great. Later on, we headed into the city for Sony Tropfest, the world’s largest short-film festival. We arrived fashionably late; little did we know that there wouldn’t be one seat open! There must have been tens of thousands of people crammed on the lawns surrounding the movie screens.

Monday began the first day of classes. I know I am really going to enjoy my theology and ethics class. We’re talking about stuff that is relevant and challenging. Stuff I actually care about. I think they’ll also be good for next semester in drawing 3 or painting. I’ve been kind of putting together concepts for art pieces later down the road. But the art classes here, are not great. The quality of craft and amount of work is nothing compared to Messiah’s program. I was warned about this going in, but I guess I didn’t really care. After my first weeks experience, I’ll probably switch out of one of the art courses.

Anyway, enough about school. Monday was also the start of service projects. I went to a nursing/assisted living home after school for my service learning. We have to complete 35hrs. before the end of the semester. So it’s been fun. The old people enjoy having me, especially since I’m from the states. I played bingo, watched a Clint Eastwood western, and talked with the folks. Laurel Gardens is a much nicer facility. They don’t even have AC in most of the building. Speaking of which, almost nowhere here has AC! Lol. Dad would not be able to survive. But all in all, it hasn’t been to crazily hot because there is always a breeze flowing. Dad- I’m sure if you come here for vacation, you would have AC in the hotel. :) Anyway, I’ll be going every Monday and Tuesday to St. Mary’s Villa until I complete my hours.

Yesterday I hit Manly Beach with Amy after class. It actually turned out to be a lovely day, and the ferry ride was refreshing. Even though Australia some prime beaches, I would have to say New Jersey beaches are better! And even Rhode Island’s too. So all of you back home, don’t be too jealous. :)

Today we went into the city to explore “The Rocks” which is a famous area where a colony formed in the 1700’s. It’s called the Rocks because the town was literally built on or within huge sandstone rock. It’s an absolutely beautiful area, and there is so much to do and explore. I’m thinking about going there tomorrow morning.
Anyway, I’m not sure exactly what I’ll be doing tomorrow. I’ll probably go into the city and explore and then hit Bondi beach when some other ladies get of their service projects, but I’m not really sure. I actually have a lot of work to get done. But who cares, Im in Oz. So we’ll see what tomorrow brings.

Well, I hope you all are enjoying my blog! Let me know how things are going in your lives.

Peace and Love.

*Terms of the day*

Lift= elevator
Holiday= vacation “I went on holiday to china”
F-Pass = Debit Card/Check Card
Footpath= sidewalk
“how ya going” = “whats up?” Or “how are you?”
***sweet as!= cool, awesome...
If you come over here, never EVER say, bloody, root, or fanny. There not good words. Lol.

*** Definitely my favorite phrase thus far.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday moring thoughts...

So some of you may be wondering what the food is like here in Australia... and it’s great! About 40% of Australia’s population is recent immigrants so there are heaps of different types of restaurants all around. And since there is a very large Asian population here, there are plenty Mongolian, Thai, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean places to eat.
Australians have morning tea, which falls between breakfast and lunch, and afternoon tea, which falls between lunch and dinner. While we can drink tea, mostly it is a time for snacking on crackers, fruit, cheese, etc. I thoroughly enjoy these meals because it’s a form of healthy snacking that holds you off until the next meal and keeps your metabolism going.
Most of the food I’ve eaten is similar to what I would eat in America. The two dinners that I’ve eaten so far have been pasta with meat sauce and Asian stir-fry. My host mom, Lisa, is an excellent cook and our family strongly believes in eating together every night. So it’s a nice time to bond with the family and catch up with each others’ days.
I’ve been having a pretty lazy morning so far so it’s nice to have a break from the jam packed activities. I went for a run around the area. It’s a short run to a park and the waterfront. I got a little lost, but eventually found my way back. Either way the area is absolutely gorgeous, comfortable, and safe. I’m not sure what’s in store for the rest of the day. I think my housemates and I are going to go into the city and explore a little, but who knows. We were planning to go to Bondi Beach, a world renowned beach, but it looks like it might rain. Keep me posted on what’s happening back in the states and in your lives. Miss you all!


*Terms of the Day*
Canteen= Cafeteria
Heaps= Lots
Mueli-Bar= Granola Bar

PS. the pic below is a PAN-O-RAM of my room.

Friday, February 20, 2009

The First Few Days...

Helloooo my American friends! (and Peruvian friend)

I’ve arrived safely, and it’s been a great experience so far. Sydney is gorgeous! Too bad it’s not in the states. I’ve had a full 3 days of orientation, which included information sessions packed with advice and program expectations, tours of the city and school, and lessons on public transportation (which I’m still figuring out!). So far, most of my learning has been through my mistakes. So contrary to popular belief, failing is not necessarily a bad thing. J You remember how to do things the right way after getting off at a stop 5 blocks early, not reapplying sunscreen every thirty minutes in the only place in the world that has a hole in the ozone layer (producing rays 7x stronger than in the states), and punching a shark*.

Anyway- not too many great stories yet, but I’m sure there will be some to come. Here is a little more detail of what I did yesterday…

We woke up early to catch the bus to school. Our host Dad, John actually came with us on the bus route to explain how the system worked, and to make sure we were able to get to Wesley alright. It is not too complicated, so I should catch on quickly. There’s a target and little shopping area just a short bus ride away from our house, which is really convenient.

When we got to school in the morning, we had a time of worship, and then orientation sessions until lunch time. We walked down to the bay for lunch- it’s such a short walk from the school! After lunch, we went into “the city” (Sydney) and did a 2 hour scavenger hunt in groups. We met back at the walk for a cruise of the harbor. After the tour, we went to a Mongolian BBQ all you can eat restaurant. You go through a line, pick up all the raw food you want, and the chef cooks it up for you in about a minute- very tasty.

Sydney is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL. It is by far the nicest city I’ve been to, which is exciting, since I will be here for four months. Its pristine and very laid back. The people aren’t in a hurry, they just enjoy they’re walk instead of pushing past you. Anyway, I’m excited to explore the city more when we have free time.

Our host family is wonderful, and their kids are very sweet. I generally like the group of students, and can tell that I’m going to be good friends with many of them. Also, we’ve been hanging out with a bunch of aussie students, and they are incredibly friendly—I really like them. I haven’t taken many pictures yet- I figure we’ll be here for a while. Well, that’s all for now… It’s been fun so far. Don’t worry everyone- I haven’t met my husband yet ;)



*J/king obviously

New terms of the day


Servo=gas station

Poppers= juice box

Power point= electrical outlet/plug

Swimmers= swimsuit